■ string
■ number
■ Boolean
■ undefined
■ null
Any value that isn’t one of the primitive data types listed is an object. I’ll discuss each primitive value over the next few pages.
JavaScript has a special operator called typeof for finding out the type of a value.
Here are some examples of the different value types:
typeof "hello"
<< "string"
typeof 10
<< "number"
typeof true
<< "boolean"
typeof { ninja: "turtle" }
<< "object"
<< "string"
typeof 10
<< "number"
typeof true
<< "boolean"
typeof { ninja: "turtle" }
<< "object"
An operator applies an operation to a value, which is known as the operand. A unary operator only requires one operand; for example:
typeof "hello"
The operator is typeof and the string "hello" is the operand.
A binary operator requires two operands; for instance:
3 + 5
The operator is + and the numbers 3 and 5 are the operands. There is also a ternary operator that requires three operands, which is covered in the next chapter.
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