Your First JavaScript Program

That’s enough talk about JavaScriptit’s time to write your first program!

It is a tradition when learning programming languages to start with a "Hello world!" program. This is a simple program that outputs the phrase "Hello world!" to announce your arrival to the world of programming. We’re going to stick to this tradition and write a "Hello world" program in JavaScript. 

Go to JS Console in your browser and enter the following line of code:
console.log("Hello World!");  

If all went to plan you should see a line in your console saying "Hello World!", similar to the screenshot in Figure 1.1. 
Figure 1.1. "Hello world!"
The program is a single statement that instructs the console to log the statement "Hello World!" to the console.

Congratulations, you’ve just written your first JavaScript program. It might not look like much, but remember that every ninja’s journey begins with a single step!

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