Quiz Ninja Project

Now that we have come to the end of the chapter, it’s time to put what we’ve learned into practice in our Quiz Ninja project. 

Since we’ve been learning all about JavaScript in this chapter, we’re going to add some code in the scripts.js file. Open that file and add the following lines:

var question = "What is Superman's real name?"
var answer = prompt(question);
alert("You answered " + answer);

Now let’s go through this code line by line to see what is happening: 

var question = "What is Superman's real name?" 

This declares a variable called name and assigns the string "What is Superman's real name?" to it. Next, we need to ask the question stored in the question variable, using a prompt dialog:

var answer = prompt(question);  

A prompt dialog allows the player to type in an answer, which is stored in a variable called answer.
Finally, we use an alert dialog to display the player's answer: 

alert("You answered " + answer); 

This shows the player the answer they provided. In the next chapter we'll look at how to check if it's correct.

Have a go at playing the quiz by opening the index.htm file in your browser. 
Quiz Ninja Project
Quiz Ninja Project
This is a good example of using the prompt and alert dialogs, along with variables to store the responses in to create some interactivity with the user.

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