Leveling the Playing Field

The next element in our markup requires a bit of background information before it can be introduced. HTML5 includes a number of new elements, such as article and section, which we’ll be covering later on. You might think this would be a major problem for older browser support for unrecognized elements, but you’d be wrong. This is because the majority of browsers don’t actually care what tags you use. If you had an HTML document with a recipe tag (or even a ziggy tag) in it, and your CSS attached some styles to that element, nearly every browser would proceed as if this were totally normal, applying your styling without complaint.

Of course, such a hypothetical document would fail to validate and may have accessibility problems, but it would render correctly in almost all browsers—the exception being old versions of Internet Explorer (IE). Prior to version 9, IE prevented unrecognized elements from receiving styling. These mystery elements were seen by the rendering engine as “unknown elements,” so you were unable to change the way they looked or behaved. This includes not only our imagined elements, but also any elements that had yet to be defined at the time those browser versions were developed. That means (you guessed it) the new HTML5 elements.

The good news is, at the time of writing, most people still using a version of IE are using version 9 or higher, and very few are on version 9, so this is not a big problem for most developers anymore; however, if a big chunk of your audience is still using IE8 or earlier, you'll have to take action to ensure your designs don't fall apart.

Fortunately, there’s a solution: a very simple piece of JavaScript originally developed by John Resig. Inspired by an idea by Sjoerd Visscher, it can make the new HTML5 elements styleable in older versions of IE.

We’ve included this so-called “HTML5 shiv” in our markup as a script tag surrounded by conditional comments. Conditional comments are a proprietary feature implemented in Internet Explorer in version 9 and earlier. They provide you with the ability to target specific versions of that browser with scripts or styles. The following conditional comment is telling the browser that the enclosed markup should only appear to users viewing the page with Internet Explorer prior to version 9:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
   <script src="js/html5shim.js"></script>

It should be noted that if you’re using a JavaScript library that deals with HTML5 features or the new APIs, it’s possible that it will already have the HTML5-enabling script present; in this case, you could remove reference to the script. One example of this would be Modernizr, a JavaScript library that detects modern HTML and CSS features. Modernizr gives you the option to include code that enables the HTML5 elements in older versions of IE, so the shiv would be redundant. We take a closer look at Modernizr in Appendix A.

Not Everyone Can Benefit from the HTML5 Shiv

Of course, there’s still a group of users unable to benefit from the HTML5 shiv:
those who have for one reason or another disabled JavaScript and are using IE8 or lower. As web designers, we’re constantly told that the content of our sites should be fully accessible to all users, even those without JavaScript. But it’s not as bad as it seems. A number of studies have shown that the number of users who have JavaScript disabled is low enough to be of little concern, especially when you factor in how few of those will be using IE8 or lower.

In a study published in October, 2013, the UK Government Digital Service determined that users browsing government web services in the UK with JavaScript disabled or unavailable was 1.1%.10 In another study conducted on the Yahoo Developer Network11 (published in October 2010), users with JavaScript disabled amounted to around 1% of total traffic worldwide. 

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